Advanced Computer Network | 2019 End Term Exam

 Most of the questions are already discussed on Get Set Study Channel. Some remaining few are as follows.

Q Discuss SONET layered architecture and compare optical networking with electrical networking?

SONET (Synchronous Optical Network) is a layered architecture that defines how digital optical telecommunications signals should be transported over fiber optic cables. It is designed to support high-speed data transfer rates for voice, video, and data traffic. The SONET layered architecture consists of four layers:

Photonic Layer: This layer is responsible for transmitting the optical signals over the fiber optic cables. It converts electrical signals into optical signals and vice versa. Section Layer: This layer is responsible for providing error detection and correction mechanisms for the physical layer. It ensures that the data is transmitted error-free. Line Layer: This layer is responsible for providing error detection and correction mechanisms for the transmission of frames between nodes. It ensures that the frames are transmitted error-free. Path Layer: This layer is responsible for managing the data transmission between nodes. It ensures that the data is transmitted in the correct order and provides synchronization between nodes. In comparison, optical networking uses light to transmit data over fiber optic cables, while electrical networking uses electrical signals to transmit data over copper cables. Optical networking offers several advantages over electrical networking, including higher data transfer rates, longer distances without signal loss, and greater security. Optical networks are also immune to electromagnetic interference, making them more reliable in high-electromagnetic environments.

Q Scheduling the flow can improve the QoS. Comment? Discuss the different shceuduling approaches in this context?

Scheduling the flow can improve QoS (Quality of Service) by ensuring that network resources are efficiently allocated to meet the specific requirements of different types of traffic. It allows for the prioritization of critical traffic and ensures a fair distribution of bandwidth among users. There are several scheduling approaches used to improve QoS: FIFO (First-In, First-Out): The packets are transmitted in the order they arrive, without any consideration of priority. It is simple to implement but does not provide any QoS guarantees. Priority Queueing: The packets are separated into different queues based on their priority level, and the highest-priority packets are transmitted first. It ensures QoS for high-priority traffic, but lower-priority traffic may suffer from poor performance. Weighted Fair Queueing: The packets are separated into different queues based on their priority level, but each queue is allocated a fair share of the available bandwidth. It ensures QoS for high-priority traffic while still allowing lower-priority traffic to utilize available resources. Round Robin: The packets are transmitted in a cyclic order, and each queue is allocated a fixed amount of bandwidth. It ensures a fair distribution of bandwidth among users, but does not provide any QoS guarantees. Deficit Round Robin: Similar to Round Robin, but each queue is allocated a variable amount of bandwidth based on its traffic load. It ensures a fair distribution of bandwidth among users while dynamically allocating more bandwidth to queues with higher traffic loads. Overall, scheduling the flow using these different approaches can help to improve QoS by ensuring that network resources are efficiently allocated to meet the specific requirements of different types of traffic.

Q Why there was a need for a new IP protocol i.e IPv6 when IPv4 was working fine? Discuss the various features of IPv6 that make it a next generation IP?

There are several reasons why a new IP protocol, IPv6, was developed when IPv4 was working fine: Address space exhaustion: IPv4 provides a limited number of addresses (about 4.3 billion) which is insufficient to meet the current and future needs of the growing number of devices connected to the internet. IPv6 provides a much larger address space (about 3.4 x 10^38 addresses) to address this problem. Security: IPv6 provides better security features, including built-in IPsec support, which was optional in IPv4. Quality of service: IPv6 provides support for quality of service (QoS), which was not available in IPv4. Mobile computing: IPv6 includes features designed to support mobile computing, such as mobile IP and hierarchical address allocation. Simplified header format: IPv6 simplifies the header format, which makes routing more efficient and improves performance.

The various features of IPv6 that make it a next-generation IP are: Larger address space: IPv6 provides a 128-bit address space, which allows for a vast number of unique addresses. Auto-configuration: IPv6 supports stateless address auto-configuration, which allows hosts to automatically configure their IP address and other network settings without the need for manual configuration. Improved security: IPv6 includes built-in support for IPsec, which provides better security features than IPv4. QoS support: IPv6 includes support for QoS, which allows network administrators to prioritize traffic and ensure that important data is given priority over less important data. Simplified header format: IPv6 simplifies the header format, which reduces the processing overhead on routers and improves network performance. Mobility support: IPv6 includes features designed to support mobile computing, such as mobile IP and hierarchical address allocation. Multicast support: IPv6 provides better support for multicast, which allows efficient distribution of data to multiple recipients.

Q Differentiate the different service models in the context of cloud computing.

Cloud computing provides different service models to suit the needs of different users. The three main service models are: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): In this model, cloud providers offer virtualized computing resources such as servers, storage, and networking. The user can then install and run their own software on these resources, giving them more control over the operating system and applications. Platform as a Service (PaaS): In this model, cloud providers offer a platform for developing, testing, and deploying applications. The user can focus on the application code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Software as a Service (SaaS): In this model, cloud providers offer a complete software application that can be accessed over the internet. The user does not need to manage any infrastructure or software updates.

In addition to the above service models, there are also two hybrid models:

Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS): This model provides an integration platform for connecting different applications, data sources, and services.

Function as a Service (FaaS): This model provides an environment for running small pieces of code in response to events

These different service models offer different levels of control, flexibility, and management for the user. Depending on the user's needs, they can choose the most suitable service model to achieve their goals.

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