Human Values Exam Prep 2023

 B-Tech 8th Sem Human Values and Professional Ethics

PYQ [2020]

(a) Four noble truths and noble paths in BUDDHISM.

The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism are the central teachings that form the foundation of Buddhist belief. They are:

  1. Dukkha: The truth of suffering
  2. Samudaya: The truth of the cause of suffering
  3. Nirodha: The truth of the cessation (समाप्ति) of suffering
  4. Magga: The truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering

The Noble Eightfold Path consists of eight steps to end suffering and attain enlightenment. They are:

  • Right understanding
  • Right intention
  • Right speech
  • Right action
  • Right livelihood
  • Right effort
  • Right mindfulness
  • Right concentration

(b) Four different levels of living in Harmony.

The four different levels of living in harmony are:

Harmony with oneself - This refers to inner peace and balance within oneself. It involves self-reflection and understanding of one's own thoughts and emotions.

Harmony with others - This refers to peaceful and positive relationships with others. It involves compassion, empathy, and understanding of others.

Harmony with nature - This refers to living in balance with the environment and being mindful of our impact on the natural world. It involves sustainability and conservation efforts.

Harmony with the divine - This refers to spiritual harmony and connection with a higher power or purpose. It involves prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices.

(c) Traditional methods for safety analysis.

Traditional methods for safety analysis include:

  • Fault tree analysis (FTA)
  • Event tree analysis (ETA)
  • Hazard and operability study (HAZOP)
  • Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)
  • Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA)
  • Human reliability analysis (HRA)

(d) Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster.

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster occurred on January 28, 1986, when the space shuttle Challenger broke apart just 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members on board. The cause of the disaster was later determined to be a failure in the O-ring seals on the shuttle's solid rocket boosters, which allowed hot gases to escape and ultimately led to the explosion of the fuel tank. The disaster was a significant setback for NASA and led to an overhaul of the agency's safety protocols and decision-making processes.

(e) Explain the Modern term of Globalization.

Globalization refers to the process of international integration and interdependence among people, businesses, and governments around the world. It involves the increasing flow of goods, services, capital, technology, and ideas across national borders. The term globalization is often used to describe the economic, social, cultural, and political changes that have occurred as a result of this process.

(f) What are Computer Ethics? Discuss

Computer ethics refers to the moral principles and values that govern the use of computers, information technology, and related systems. It involves identifying and analyzing ethical issues related to the use of computers and information technology, and developing and implementing ethical policies and guidelines to address these issues.

Some of the key issues in computer ethics include privacy, security, intellectual property, accessibility, and the impact of technology on society. Computer ethics also involves understanding the social and cultural context in which technology is used, and considering the potential consequences of technological developments for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.

(g) What is holistic technology?

Holistic technology is an approach to technology development and use that considers the broader social, environmental, and ethical implications of technological systems. It involves recognizing the interconnectedness of different aspects of technology, and understanding how technology can impact society, the environment, and human well-being in complex ways.

Holistic technology emphasizes the need to develop and use technology in ways that promote sustainability, social justice, and ethical responsibility. It also involves engaging with stakeholders and users to understand their needs and concerns, and developing technology solutions that are responsive to these needs.

(h) Discuss Business Ethics in Corporate governance

Business ethics refers to the moral principles and values that govern the behavior of individuals and organizations in the business world. It involves understanding and analyzing ethical issues related to business activities, and developing and implementing ethical policies and practices to promote responsible and sustainable business practices.

Corporate governance refers to the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. Business ethics is an important component of corporate governance, as it involves ensuring that companies operate in an ethical and responsible manner, and that they are accountable to their stakeholders.

Some of the key issues in business ethics include transparency, accountability, fairness, and respect for human rights and the environment. Business ethics also involves understanding and addressing the potential conflicts of interest that can arise in corporate governance, and developing mechanisms to ensure that companies act in the best interests of their stakeholders.

PYQ 2020

PYQ [2018]

Write short notes on all of the following:-

(a) Responsibility

Responsibility is the state of being accountable for something or someone. It involves taking ownership and being accountable for the consequences of our actions. It is an essential trait for a person to succeed in personal and professional life. A responsible person fulfills their duties and obligations, keeps their promises, and accepts the consequences of their actions.

(b) Living in harmony with society and nature

 Living in harmony with society and nature means respecting the environment and treating it as a valuable resource that needs to be protected. It involves recognizing the interdependence of all living beings and striving for a balance between human needs and the needs of the natural world. Living in harmony with society involves following ethical and moral principles and being a responsible member of the community.

(c) Right conduct

Right conduct refers to the set of moral and ethical principles that guide human behavior. It involves behaving in a manner that is consistent with these principles and avoiding actions that violate them. Right conduct includes treating others with respect and dignity, being honest and truthful, and adhering to the laws and regulations of society.

(d) Accountability

Accountability refers to being answerable for one's actions or decisions. It involves accepting responsibility for the outcomes of one's actions and being willing to be held accountable for them. Accountability is essential in personal and professional life to build trust, credibility, and reliability.

(e) Safety and Risk

Safety refers to the condition of being protected from harm or danger. Risk, on the other hand, refers to the possibility of harm or loss. Safety and risk are interrelated, and managing risk is essential to ensure safety. It involves identifying potential hazards, assessing their likelihood and severity, and implementing appropriate measures to prevent harm.

(f) Loyalty

Loyalty is the quality of being faithful or devoted to someone or something. It involves being committed to the success of the organization or the relationship and putting the interests of others above one's own. Loyalty is an essential trait in personal and professional life to build trust, respect, and mutual understanding.

(g) Truth

Truth refers to the quality or state of being in accordance with fact or reality. It involves being honest and truthful in all our interactions and communications. Truthfulness is an essential trait for personal and professional integrity and building trust and credibility with others.

PYQ [2017]

Write short notes on the following:

(a) Collegiality

Collegiality is a term that refers to the cooperative relationship between colleagues in a professional or academic setting. It involves mutual respect, support, and collaboration among team members, which helps to create a positive work environment.

(b) IPR

 IPR stands for Intellectual Property Rights. It refers to the legal ownership of intangible assets such as inventions, artistic and literary works, and symbols or designs used in commerce. IPR provides exclusive rights to the owner to use, sell, or license their property for a certain period of time.

(c) Cultural discrimination

Cultural discrimination is the unfair treatment of an individual or group based on their cultural background. It may take various forms, including social exclusion, prejudice, and stereotyping, and can lead to unequal access to opportunities, resources, and services.

(d) Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest refers to a situation where an individual or organization has competing interests, loyalties, or obligations that could interfere with their ability to make fair and impartial decisions. Conflict of interest may arise in professional, business, or personal relationships, and can undermine public trust and confidence.

(e) Hacking

Hacking refers to the unauthorized access, modification, or damage of computer systems, networks, or data. It may involve breaking into a system to steal sensitive information or disrupt its normal operations. Hacking can have serious consequences for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.

(f) Whistle-blowing

Whistle-blowing refers to the act of exposing unethical, illegal, or dangerous activities within an organization. It involves reporting such activities to authorities or the public, often at great personal risk to the whistle-blower. Whistle-blowing is an important mechanism for ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior in organizations.

(g) Morality

Morality refers to a set of principles or values that govern individual behavior and social interactions. It involves distinguishing right from wrong and making ethical choices based on principles such as justice, fairness, compassion, and respect for others. Morality is shaped by cultural, religious, and social factors, and plays a critical role in shaping human relationships and societies.



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