Software Project Management Unit 3 & 4

Q. Explain with the help of an example how PERT techniques can be applied to evaluate risks to schedule.

By applying PERT techniques in this manner, project managers can gain insights into the potential risks to the project schedule and take proactive measures to mitigate them, ensuring successful project completion within the desired timeframe.

Identify Activities and Dependencies:

The first step is to identify all the activities required to complete the project. For example, the activities could include requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and deployment. Determine the dependencies between these activities, such as which activities need to be completed before others can start.

Estimate Time:

Next, estimate the time required for each activity. PERT uses three time estimates: optimistic (O), most likely (M), and pessimistic (P). For instance, let's say the estimated time for the development activity is 10 days (O), 15 days (M), and 20 days (P).

Calculate Expected Time:

Calculate the expected time for each activity using the formula: (O + 4M + P) / 6. In our example, the expected time for development would be (10 + 4 * 15 + 20) / 6 = 16.17 days.

Determine Critical Path:

Identify the critical path, which is the longest path of dependent activities that determines the project's overall duration. It consists of activities with no slack or float time. Activities on the critical path directly impact the project schedule.

Evaluate Risks:

Assess the risks associated with each activity on the critical path. Consider potential risks such as resource unavailability, technical challenges, dependencies on external factors, and scope changes. Assign a risk rating or probability to each identified risk.

Mitigate Risks:

Develop strategies to mitigate the identified risks. This could involve proactive measures like allocating additional resources, adjusting schedules, implementing contingency plans, or updating dependencies.

Perform Schedule Analysis:

Using the estimated activity durations, dependencies, and risk assessments, perform a schedule analysis to evaluate the impact of risks on the project schedule. Determine the probability and severity of schedule delays caused by various risks.

Develop Risk Response Plan:

Based on the schedule analysis, develop a risk response plan to address potential schedule delays. This may involve prioritizing critical activities, adjusting resource allocation, or implementing alternative solutions to mitigate risks and maintain the project schedule.

Q. You are project manager for a major software company. You have been asked to lead a team that is developing next generation word processing software. What are the risks possible for the project.

Risks for the Next Generation Word Processing Software Project: Technical Complexity: The project involves developing advanced features and functionalities for the word processing software, which may introduce technical complexities and challenges. Risks may arise from integrating new technologies, designing complex algorithms, and ensuring compatibility with different operating systems and devices.

Scope Creep: There is a risk of scope creep, where additional features or requirements are added during the development process, potentially impacting the project timeline and resources. Changes in client expectations or market demands may lead to scope expansion, requiring effective change management strategies to control the scope.

Resource Constraints: Insufficient or misallocated resources can pose a risk to the project's success. Adequate skilled developers, designers, and testers need to be allocated to ensure timely completion of tasks and maintain the desired quality standards.

Project Planning and Scheduling: Inaccurate estimation and poor project planning can lead to delays and budget overruns. Risks may arise from inadequate assessment of task dependencies, unrealistic timelines, or insufficient contingency plans to address unforeseen challenges.

Integration Challenges: The word processing software needs to seamlessly integrate with other applications and systems, such as cloud storage, collaboration tools, and document management systems. Integration complexities and potential compatibility issues can impact the overall functionality and performance of the software.

Quality Assurance and Testing: Ensuring the software's quality, reliability, and usability is crucial to its success. Risks may arise from inadequate testing procedures, undiscovered bugs or vulnerabilities, and difficulty in reproducing and resolving reported issues.

User Acceptance and Adoption: The success of the software relies on user acceptance and adoption in the market. Risks include competition from existing word processing software, resistance to change from users, and the need for effective marketing and training strategies to promote the new software.

Intellectual Property Protection: There is a risk of intellectual property infringement or unauthorized use of proprietary algorithms or technologies employed in the software. Measures should be taken to secure the software's intellectual property rights and protect it from potential legal disputes or plagiarism.

External Dependencies: The project may rely on external dependencies such as third-party libraries, APIs, or services. Risks include changes in third-party components, service disruptions, or compatibility issues, which can impact the project's timeline and functionality.

Project Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration among team members, stakeholders, and clients are critical for project success. Risks may arise from miscommunication, lack of clarity in requirements, or difficulties in managing expectations, potentially leading to rework or dissatisfaction.

Q What is a resource histogram?

A resource histogram is a graphical representation that illustrates the allocation of resources over time in a project. It provides a visual depiction of the utilization and availability of resources, such as people, equipment, or materials, during different phases or time periods of the project.

The histogram typically displays the resource quantities on the vertical axis and the time periods on the horizontal axis, allowing project managers to identify resource overloads or imbalances and make adjustments to optimize resource allocation.

Q Which methods are adopted to assess and visualize the progress of a project?

Methods adopted to assess and visualize the progress of a project include:

Gantt Charts: Gantt charts are widely used to track project progress. They provide a visual representation of project tasks, their dependencies, start and end dates, and the current status of each task. Gantt charts allow project managers to monitor task completion, identify delays or bottlenecks, and track overall project progress.

Earned Value Management (EVM): EVM is a project management technique that integrates schedule, cost, and scope to assess project performance. It compares the planned and actual progress of tasks in terms of cost and schedule, enabling project managers to analyze variances and determine the project's health and performance trends.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): KPIs are specific metrics used to measure and assess the project's performance against predefined objectives. KPIs can include indicators such as cost variance, schedule variance, resource utilization, quality metrics, customer satisfaction, or any other relevant project-specific measures.

Milestones: Milestones are significant events or deliverables in a project that mark important stages or achievements. Monitoring and tracking the completion of milestones provides a clear indication of project progress and helps stakeholders visualize the advancement of the project.

Project Dashboards: Dashboards provide a consolidated view of key project metrics and indicators in a graphical format. They offer real-time project status updates, highlight critical information, and enable stakeholders to quickly assess project performance and identify areas that require attention.

Q You are required to purchase best off-the-shelf payroll software for your organization. What Quality criteria will you adopt and how will you evaluate the extent to which the candidate software packages meet the quality criteria. When purchasing off-the-shelf payroll software, the following quality criteria can be adopted and evaluated: Functionality: Assess the software's features and capabilities to ensure they meet the organization's payroll processing requirements. Evaluate if it can handle various payroll tasks such as tax calculations, deductions, employee benefits, and reporting. Usability: Evaluate the software's user interface and ease of use. Consider factors such as intuitive navigation, clear instructions, and user-friendly design. Conduct user testing or demonstrations to assess how easily users can navigate and perform tasks within the software. Reliability and Accuracy: Check the software's reliability and accuracy in processing payroll calculations. Look for information on the software vendor's track record, customer reviews, and any reported issues or errors in the software's performance. Scalability and Flexibility: Consider the software's ability to handle the organization's current payroll needs and its potential to accommodate future growth or changes in payroll processes. Evaluate if the software can scale up or adapt to evolving business requirements. Integration: Assess the software's compatibility and integration capabilities with other systems or tools used by the organization, such as HR management systems or accounting software. Ensure smooth data exchange and minimize manual data entry or duplicate efforts. Security: Evaluate the software's security measures and data protection features. Assess if it provides necessary encryption, user access controls, backup and recovery mechanisms, and compliance with relevant data privacy regulations. Vendor Support and Reputation: Research the software vendor's reputation, customer support services, and availability of software updates or patches. Consider factors such as vendor responsiveness, training resources, and ongoing technical support.

Q With the help of an example explain in detail the contents of a project closure analysis report and how it can be leveraged to improve the quality of future projects?

A project closure analysis report is a comprehensive document that reviews the overall project performance, outcomes, and lessons learned. It provides valuable insights and recommendations for future projects.

Here is an example of the contents of a project closure analysis report and how it can be leveraged to improve the quality of future projects:


  • Overview of the project, its objectives, and scope.
  • Purpose of the closure analysis report.

Project Overview:

  • Project background and context.
  • Key stakeholders involved.
  • Project timeline and milestones.

Project Performance:

  • Assessment of the project's success in meeting its objectives.
  • Evaluation of project deliverables and their alignment with requirements.
  • Analysis of project schedule, budget, and resource utilization.
  • Identification of any deviations, challenges, or risks encountered during the project.

Lessons Learned:

  • Identification and analysis of successes, failures, and key lessons learned throughout the project.
  • Evaluation of project management processes, methodologies, and tools used.
  • Identification of best practices and areas for improvement.

Stakeholder Feedback:

  • Compilation of feedback received from project stakeholders, including clients, team members, and end-users.
  • Analysis of stakeholder satisfaction, concerns, and suggestions.


  • Actionable recommendations based on the project's performance and lessons learned.
  • Suggestions for improving project management practices, communication, collaboration, and decision-making.
  • Proposal for implementing changes or adopting new strategies in future projects.


  • Summary of the key findings and insights from the closure analysis.
  • Emphasis on the importance of leveraging the report's recommendations for continuous improvement.

The Project Closure Analysis Report Improves Future Projects by:

Knowledge Transfer: The report helps capture and document project knowledge, ensuring that valuable insights and lessons learned are not lost but can be shared with future project teams. This facilitates knowledge transfer and prevents the repetition of mistakes or reinvention of solutions.

Process Improvement: By analyzing project management processes, methodologies, and tools, the report identifies areas for improvement. Recommendations provided in the report guide project managers and teams in refining their processes, streamlining workflows, and enhancing overall project efficiency.

Risk Mitigation: Through the identification and analysis of challenges and risks encountered during the project, the report highlights potential pitfalls and areas to be cautious about in future projects. This enables project teams to proactively address risks and develop risk mitigation strategies.

Best Practice Adoption: The report identifies successful practices and strategies that contributed to project success. These best practices can be shared and adopted in future projects to increase the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes.

Continuous Learning: The closure analysis report fosters a culture of continuous learning within the organization. It encourages project teams to reflect on their experiences, embrace feedback, and seek opportunities for improvement in all aspects of project execution.

Stakeholder Engagement: By including stakeholder feedback, the report ensures that the perspectives and concerns of key stakeholders are considered. This promotes better engagement and collaboration with stakeholders in future projects, leading to improved project outcomes and stakeholder satisfaction.

By leveraging the insights and recommendations from the report, organizations can enhance the quality of future projects, increase project success rates, and foster a culture of excellence in project management.


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